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The Glass Ampoule Filling Sealing Machine has been assembled based on the most tried and tested module and principle of slant travelling of ampoules during the filling and sealing of ampoules through the Ampoule Filling Machine. This is done to ensure that the maximum amount of optimization of resources is done for filling and sealing of all types of ampoules that vary from each other in terms of dimensions, thickness and or any other variation.
The Six Head Ampoule Filling Sealing Machine has six heads and like others machines in its family, it is also manufactured based on the principle of slant travelling of ampoules during the process of filling and sealing of ampoules. This principle has been essentially adopted taking into consideration the vast number of variations in thickness, dimensions and sizes of different ampoules available.
The Two Head Ampoule Filling Sealing Machine is another version of the varied types of ampoule filling and sealing machines available with Multi Pak Machinery. This specific machinery is available with two heads. However, the company offers the similar machine with more heads and it is also customizable in accordance with the requirements of a particular customer.